
Why did I build this?

I'm an avid listener of the Joe Rogan Experience, and many other podcasts. From time to time I'd wished I could easily search and read transcripts for episodes, even share snippets from the episodes with friends. Also, as a software engineer, I always thought it would be fun to build something for JRE.

This site is not in any way associated with the Joe Rogan Experience.

Please checkout the support page if you'd like to help out.


"This is the best thing to happen to podcasts since the Podcasts app."
My Wife

Keyboard Shortcuts

0 to 9Seek from 0 to 90% respectively
spaceToggle playback
KToggle playback
Seek backward by 10s
Seek forward by 10s
Increase volume
Decrease volume
MToggle mute
FToggle fullscreen
CToggle captions
LToggle loop